Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Why we do what we do

Values come into play far more often than we think. Take for example the emotional debates concerning the Christmas Island funerals this week. Comments on news websites covering the event were all across the board. A summary of the opinions at these sites (eg. http://www.news.com.au/national/row-over-asylum-seeker-funeral-costs/comments-e6frfkvr-1226006254033) generally include the following: The government was right in organising the burials. The government was wrong for creating an atmosphere which encouraged people smuggling. The government was wrong to organise the funerals in Sydney. The government was right to continue processing and accepting claims. The government was wrong to pay for the flights from Christmas Island. The government was right to pay for the flights from Christmas Island. And so on. While we will not go into who is right and who is wrong here (or why even), it is interesting to guess what value systems undergird each statement.

Another interesting topic is the pokies betting limits. From the government’s perspective, setting caps on the amount of money wagered will assist those with gambling problems. The Australian Hotels Association on the other hand, claims that the exercise would cost $4 billion and would lead to jobs losses. Others would say that Australia isn’t a nanny state and each person should be allowed to do whatever they want with their lives. And therein lies the challenge of an ethically laissez-faire society. When all values become equal, the borders of what is right and wrong start getting blurred and wobbly.

Thankfully as Christians, we have the Holy Bible to help guide us through some of these tough issues. Some of them will take more time to work through than others but this is why God wants us to read His Word and meditate on it daily. As we saturate ourselves with the scriptures and pray for guidance, we will learn to discern God’s will in most situations. The psalmist writes, ‘Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path’ (Psalm 119:105 KJV). Each day will have new challenges, but having a good grip on the scriptures will help us choose the right road to follow.

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