Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Not entirely irrational faith

According to some, the 12th of December next year is when it’s all going to end. And no, it’s not some wacky Christian cult that’s making the prediction this time. The honour for this one goes to the Mayans who really won’t be able to defend themselves if it doesn’t really work out, since they all died out oh about 1100 years ago (http://www.smh.com.au/world/apocalypse-sooner-or-later-20110121-19zyn.html). Time to dig that nuclear-winter proof bunker maybe?

It really is quite fascinating to hear why people believe or have faith in something. Some people believe that science and human genius will one day cure all ills (yet to be proved). Some believe that aliens will one day bring salvation to all humanity (Area 51- look it up). Some believe there are many gods (most Eastern countries). Some believe there is no God (most Western countries). But why do they believe that?

As Christians, we should always be ready to give a reasonable answer to why we believe that God is real, or that it is possible to be in a relationship with Him (1 Peter 3:15). Firstly, we believe that is what the Bible teaches. But can we trust the Bible? It was written so long ago. But so are most historical records. And the vast majority of scholars (Christian or secular) of ancient history would regard the Gospels as a collection of reliable historical documents. We can believe that Jesus was a real person with as much certainty as believing in the existence of Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Attila the Hun or Confucius. Secondly, if the historical record of Jesus is reliable, then we are faced with His outrageous statements and the fact that many people saw Him alive again after He was crucified. Thirdly, we also have the testimony of millions of people around the world who claim to have a relationship with Him.

Is it possible to have absolute, conclusive, scientific and lab-tested proof of God’s existence? Not yet. But if we were honest, we don’t ask for that sort of proof all the time. If we did, we’d never fly, drive or even get out of bed.

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