Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Giving: an act of worship

There are needs everywhere. A quick look at some of the news reports this week will reveal requests for aid from Queensland, more floods in Brazil (with more than 600 dead), floods (again) in Sri Lanka (more than 1 million people displaced) and reminders of the rebuilding efforts still ongoing in Haiti (more than 1 million people still living in tents since the earthquake). One personal story which may have touched hearts all over was of Ila Amaral (http://www.smh.com.au/national/time-runs-out-in-the-quest-to-save-ila-20110117-19u5a.html).

For many of us, the statistics are just numbers on a page. The danger here for us, who have three meals a day and a roof over our heads is to think (subconsciously sometimes) “Praise God we are well provided for, too bad for the rest of you!” Others may cry out, “Charity begins at home!” and expound on why it is better to meet the many different needs in the country (and there are many). As Christians, what are we to do?

Matthew 26:6-12 tells us of a woman who bought perfume for Jesus. His disciples are outraged! According to Mark 14:5 the perfume was worth a year’s wages and could have been spent on the poor instead! But Jesus reminds them that what the woman did was a good thing. Just as it is now, there were people in need everywhere then, but Jesus reminds us all that the focus on giving should always be God. Everything we do should be done as an act of worship to God, and that includes giving. Yes, the money for the perfume which was given to Jesus could have been used to feed the poor, but the woman did it as an act of service to Jesus and was praised for it. What does this mean for us? Firstly, in giving, we should always have God in mind. If we ask God for wisdom, He will guide us to where we should give. Secondly, we should not give out of guilt but thankfulness (2 Corinthians 9:7-12) and thirdly we should do our best to be as generous (and aware) as possible to the needy around us (Deuteronomy 15:11).

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