Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Season of the Gift

In this politically correct, inclusive and tolerant age, Christmas can have many different meanings to many different people. Some will tell you that it is all about family. Others will say that it is a time to be grateful (but they may not be able to tell you who to be grateful to). A visiting Martian observing the cards, decorations and songs may very well come to the conclusion that the celebrations revolve around fir trees, snow, a jolly bearded red-suited man, reindeer or even (according to some family traditions) the barbie by the pool. A smaller segment of society will celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ but parents may have to be sensitive as many small children could be easily confused (“But isn’t that a naughty swear word daddy?”).

For some, the season is about giving. Businessman Dick Smith came out guns blazing recently accusing the ‘super rich’ in the country for not giving away enough this Christmas (http://www.smh.com.au/national/tycoon-dick-blasts-australias--appalling-and-greedy-super-wealthy-20101221-193q1.html). For Mr Smith, this is the season of giving, of gifts and of putting the needs of others over oneself. It’s almost a Biblical way of looking at Christmas- a time of remembering Jesus Christ, God’s gift to all humanity.

While many will be quick to point out that Christmas has pagan origins (being the celebration of the winter solstice), Australia does not have a pagan history. The Europeans who colonized this great land brought with them Christian faith, values and traditions, one of which was the celebration Christ’s birth (Luke 2:1-7). As Christians who read the Bible, we read how the Eternal, Infinite, Almighty Living God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth was born to a peasant couple in Bethlehem as a gift to all humanity. It is a time for us to remember that we were undeserving of this gift but God was reaching out to us anyway. It is a reminder that in the midst of a broken world there still is Hope for all peoples. It is a reminder that God desires Peace on earth and Goodwill to all of us and He sent Jesus to show us the way.

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