Tuesday, December 28, 2010

God has a plan for 2011 (and you’re in it)

Readers of the Daily Telegraph might have spotted a remarkable photo of a dolphin in mid flight in last week Thursday’s edition (http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/fishermans-photo-catch-of-the-day-a-dolphin-frolicking-in-the-air-at-coffs-harbour/story-e6freuy9-1225974656338). If you look closely, you might be able to make out the cheeky look on the dolphin’s face. It’s almost as though its thinking, “Wheee! Look at me go!” but we can only wonder what was going through its head as the photo was taken.

The dolphin playing in the waves was only doing what it was created to do. And it probably put a smile on the face of the fisherman watching it. For those of us who are wondering what 2011 will bring, it will be good to remember that God created each one of us with a role to play in His plans for eternity (Jeremiah 29:11). Just as the dolphin is filled with joy and brings pleasure to those watching it, as we play our part in God’s plan we will also feel God’s pleasure as we bless those around us. While it is hard to imagine how or why an infinite God would have interest in each individual person on this planet, the fact remains that the Creator of the universe has a personal interest in you (Psalm 139) and you have a part to play in His plans for 2011.

As 2010 comes to a close some of us may want to take some time out to ponder the highlights and lowlights of the year (and we won’t say anything about the cricket here!). All of us probably experienced God’s goodness at some points in the year and we should take a moment to thank God for them. For those who have suffered loss in 2010, we may want to vent our anger or sorrow to God. The Psalms are full of prayers made by frustrated people (Psalms 12, 13, 38, 60, 74, 83, 102, 109, 120, 130, 143) and if you’ve never tried it before, it can be quite therapeutic. Who knows? You might even hear God answering you as you call out to Him. Our creator appreciates honesty but His answers may not always be what we expect!

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