Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Almost Religious Experience of Oprah

How many times has US President Barack Obama visited Australia? Zero. But really, had he come to visit, the media would have been full of news reports about trade, defence treaties, and possibly even the global threat of climate change. Ho hum. Perhaps then it’s just as well that the most powerful woman in America came to visit instead of the most powerful man.

Oprah’s visit Down Under has been somewhat of a publicity coup for Tourism Australia which coughed up $5 million towards her visit. Concerned tax-payers however need not be dismayed. Pundits estimate the Big O’s visit will generate $14 million worth of publicity in the United States and $71 million domestically. This is a pretty good return on the investment compared to the Lara Bingle ad bungle which cost $180 million (yes, really) and had to be withdrawn when some countries objected to the swear word (you know which one) and the mention of alcohol (some countries are just very strict about such things). Oprah on the other hand will soon be seen and heard shouting her love for Australia and all things Australian in 145 countries with God knows how many people hanging on to every word.

As we pause and reflect on this extraordinary event two things may come to mind. Firstly, as we observe the almost religious fervour/ecstasy of Oprah’s followers, let us remember the coming of a man who came quietly into this world two thousand years ago. He was not given $5 million to show up but He came anyway, born in an unfashionable backwater to tell us all He loved us and wanted to give us a special gift. There were no pearl necklaces or laptops involved, instead there was a promise of Undeserved Divine Favour.

Secondly, Oprah believes in the goodness of this country (and why not indeed?) and is only too happy to share the good news to all her friends and acquaintances. As Christians who have experienced the goodness of this Undeserved Divine Favour, should we not also be as enthusiastic in sharing our excitement of this great Gift? And why should our excitement be any less?

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