Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Total Recall Required

The A380 was hailed as the next level in passenger planes. When it was first launched, the plane was larger and could carry more people than any other commercial aircraft at that time. Unfortunately the A380 suffered a blow to its reputation two weeks ago during a Qantas flight when an explosion in one of its engines forced it back to the nearest airport. Those who were in the plane at that time reported a catastrophic malfunction which sent a spray of shrapnel through the wing of the A380. The stricken plane managed to land safely and fortunately there were no injuries but since then, every other airline which uses the A380 has been rushing to replace one of the components in the Trent 900 engines which the plane uses.

After frantically studying the problem, Rolls Royce, the manufacturer of the faulty engine, issued a statement claiming, “… the failure was confined to a specific component in the turbine area of the engine (http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/11/12/3065263.htm).” In other words, one of the many parts in the engine had failed and in failing had almost brought the plane down. In order for the A380 to fly safely every single component of each engine must work perfectly. Even if 99.99 of all the components were to work well it still isn’t good enough as we now know.

While many of us are happy knowing that we are 75% perfect, or 85% perfect, or for a rare few 99.99% perfect, to God, that’s not good enough to fly on. Like each of the components in the Rolls Royce Trent 900, only 100% will do. But no one is 100% perfect and that is why God’s plan of salvation involves a total recall. We must all be born again (John 3:3-7) in order to be 100% perfect. All of us are tainted by sin but God has given us a way out by sending Jesus to show us how to be remade in His image. By putting our faith in Jesus and accepting what He did for us on the cross, we can destroy our sinful nature and experience a new life (1 Peter 1:3).

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