Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Red Frogs and Good Neighbours

What are Red Frogs? For some people they are just lollies which can give one a boost during the day. For others, Red Frogs are a helping hand, a pancake breakfast, a ride back home after a long night out, a feeling that one is safe, a room cleaning service, and a light in the dark.

Each year, thousands of school leavers celebrate the end of their secondary education by going away from home and celebrating the next phase of their lives with friends. While for many this is merely a release from the pressures of Year 12 exams, for some, things go too far and get out of control quickly. And this is where the Red Frogs come in.

The Red Frogs consist of young adults who volunteer their time and energy to assist, befriend, guide, feed and entertain schoolies. The aims of the Red Frogs (according to their website: are to “support school leavers” during schoolies week and to provide “a positive presence within their party culture”. While many (mostly those who don’t have children) wouldn’t be too concerned about what these youngsters are up to, there is something very Jesus-like about these Red Frogs.

Two thoughts come to mind. For starters, these Red Frogs go in to help, not to be judgemental. They mingle with the teenagers, try to spot trouble before it begins and provide good advice without too much condemnation and finger shaking. Very much like Jesus and the woman who was almost stoned to death (John 8:3-11).

Secondly, there is something also quite Jesus-like about how they help those who might have despised them in the past. Let’s have no illusions about how hard it is to be identified as a Christian while one is in High School. Apart from the higher moral standards Christian teens have to hold on to (which isn’t a bad thing) they also may have to cop snide remarks and occasional ridicule from their peers. But they still stop and help out anyway, pulling them out from the gutter (when necessary). How remarkably like another story from the Bible (Luke 10:25-37).

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