Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Help a weak brother today!

What do Dolly Parton, Samantha Fox and Katy Perry have in common? Depends on who you ask but most people would say they are famous for their singing ability. Other people might say they are famous for other things but they might not tell you what they are (especially if you’re in polite company).

This week Katy Perry was to have performed on Sesame Street. Regrettably she was pulled off air at the last minute for being ‘inappropriately dressed’. Most people can’t figure out what all the fuss is about. After all we are all free to wear what we like and society generally has a hissy fit when someone in authority tells us what we can and can’t wear. It gets even worse when a religious establishment tells us what appropriate dress is but we won’t even go there.

In order to understand the bigger picture, we must first get our heads around an important concept about human males. Teenage guys for example mostly only have one thing on their mind. It’s hard to understand what that is when you don’t have testosterone burning through your arteries with every beat of your heart but there you go. Sometimes it gets easier as one gets older but not always. As Christian men however, we are reminded of Jesus’ teaching that looking at a woman with dirty thoughts is verboten (Matthew 5:28). And shacking up is also frowned upon (Exodus 20:14, Matthew 5:27, Romans 13:9) which is probably one of the reasons people got married so early back then.

Women, just like men are made in the image of God and we want to honour and esteem them for the beautiful creatures they are. But the fact of the matter is, it is difficult to do so when distracted by overflowing voluptuousness. Very difficult. Especially when you are a testosteroney teenager. And this is where the fairer sex can help. The Bible also teaches that stumbling the weaker brethren is not very considerate (Romans 14:19-22). As summer approaches, most men are quietly rejoicing at the sights to come. But spare a thought for the weak brother(s)!


  1. Hey Simon,
    Just read your blog - and 'right on brother'.
    Just one small point of disagreement. I get that guys can be 'distracted by overflowing voluptuousness', however this is also how some women are made. Along with other things 'voluptuousness' could describe my upper-physique. The thing we women should be doing is dressing and acting with modesty.
    One the other hand, possibly one reason 'some' women chose not to dress modestly is that they are 'seen' by guys. Guys are very visual (from everything I've heard and seen) and 'react' to things they see. Maybe the other half of the tale is that men should make an effort to 'see' modest women. Surely, some women who dress 'inappropriately' do it so that people will see them.
    Guys, how about you also do something to stop this negative trend that hurts both men and women - and spend time looking for and talking to modestly dressed women out there, with the same eagerness that you would any other woman. Your example may just stop other women from 'needing' to dress inappropriately.
    Thanks so much for your honest sharing Simon - hope my few words from a woman's view help and don't make you feel bad in any way. If they do - I'm sorry!

  2. agree with you kate, Jesus was clear in that guys were responsible for their physical urges (matt 5:28). my point was that some of us need all the help we can get. and sometimes we can't look away fast enough before the image is burned into our brain. i think most godly guys do look for modesty but we are all occasionally weak here too.
